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People meet, chat, fall in love on our site By registering with us, users provide information about themselves. They believe in the confidentiality of personal data and the safety of communication. Clients trust us, and we, in turn, cannot let them down, so we have round-the-clock moderators and a technical assistance service where you can ask questions of interest or solve a problem. Our system provides user verification upon registration, it helps to identify people who engage in fraud or offer services of an intimate nature. We care about the security of our visitors and the reputation of the site, so it is important for us to immediately identify and prevent such cases. But not everything can be controlled: if, communicating on the site, you are faced with the fact that the interlocutor asks for a transfer of funds or offers obscene things, then we urge you to inform the round-the-clock chat about this. In the near future, moderators will check this person and, when confirming the information, his page will be blocked. Also on our resource a system for encrypting personal data, photos and correspondence has been developed, which eliminates the possibility of leakage of any information about the user. By informing moderators of cases of fraud, the provision of sex services, requests to transfer money or provide personal information, you help us protect you and other users of our dating service. We are for making our customers feel comfortable, convenient and safe.